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Why Are My Teeth So Sensitive?

Have you ever pass on your hot or cold drinks because you know they will cause pain in your teeth? Do you ever think about why are my teeth so sensitive or why my teeth become sensitive after drinking hot/cold drinks? If no, then you are not alone who is experiencing this. Pain caused by hot or cold foods can be a sign of cavity as well as sensitive teeth.

Teeth Sensitivity is pain or discomfort in your teeth as a response to particular stimuli like cold or hot temperatures. This can be a chronic or temporary problem and can affect one or several teeth. There can be various reasons why teeth sensitivity occurs; however, you can easily treat it by changing your oral hygiene routine.

Symptoms of Sensitive Teeth

People who have sensitive teeth may experience some pain and discomfort due to response to certain triggers. You will feel pain at the root of your affected teeth. Some of the most common triggers are:

  • Cold foods and beverages
  • Hot foods and beverages
  • Sweet foods and beverages
  • Acidic foods and beverages
  • Cold water during routine dental cleanings
  • Cold air
  • Alcohol-based mouth rinses
  • Brushing or flossing teeth

Symptoms of sensitive teeth may come and go; moreover, they may range from mild sensitivity to intense sensitivity.

Causes of Sensitive Teeth

Due to thinner enamel, some people might have more sensitive teeth than others. Enamel is the outer layer of your tooth that protects it. Your tooth enamel can wear down because of the following reasons:

  • Using a hard toothbrush
  • Brushing your teeth too hard
  • Eating or drinking acidic foods and beverages regularly
  • Grinding your teeth at night

There are times when other conditions are responsible for causing teeth sensitivity, such as Gastroesophageal reflux. It can cause acid to wear down your teeth over time. Sometimes condition like bulimia and gastroparesis can cause acid in your body to wear down the enamel. Even gum recession, broken teeth, chipped teeth, tooth decay, and worn-down fillings or crowns can cause teeth sensitivity.

During dental filling or teeth bleaching or crowns, your teeth may be temporarily sensitive.  However, the sensitivity is confined to a particular tooth or teeth surrounding it, diminishing after several days.

Diagnosis of Sensitive Teeth

You must make an appointment with your dentist if you are experiencing teeth sensitivity for the first time. Meddo dentist will take care of your teeth health and check for potential problems like loose fillings, cavities or gum that can cause sensitivity.

Your dentist can use dental equipment to check the sensitivity of teeth or can order an X-ray of your teeth for ruling out causes of sensitivity like cavities.

Treatment of Teeth Sensitivity

  • Try using over-the-counter dental treatment if you have mild tooth sensitivity.
  • Use toothpaste made specifically for sensitive teeth as they may have numbing ingredients that can help block any discomfort to travel to never of your tooth.
  • Use an alcohol-free mouth rinse to wash your mouth as it is less irritating to your sensitive teeth.
  • Try using a soft toothbrush and be gentle while brushing your teeth.

Usually, treatment of teeth sensitivity will take several weeks to show any improvement. If these home remedies don’t work for you, then it’s best that you reach out to your dentist and seek the required help.

Treat Medical Conditions That Can Cause Teeth Sensitivity

The sensitive teeth remedy include identifying the underlying condition that causes sensitivity in your teeth and treating it. Maintain good oral hygiene and brush more gently to treat receding gums. Use acid reducers to treat GERD and ask your dentist to supervise bulimia.

Reduce caffeine intake or mouthguard at night before going to bed as it can help prevent clenching and grinding of your teeth and damaging them.

Key Takeaway

If you are worried about why are my teeth so sensitive, which makes it difficult for you to eat or talk, consult your dentist.  If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, then you surely have teeth sensitivity

  • Tooth sensitivity restricted to one tooth
  • Staining on your teeth surface
  • Feels sharper tooth pain
  • Pain while biting down or chewing
  • Spontaneous tooth pain can occur without an obvious cause

Various mouthwashes and toothpaste are available in the market for sensitive teeth. If there doesn’t help you reduce the teeth sensitivity, make an appointment with your dentist using Meddo to get the best treatment.